「黒瀬雅志弁理士は、2015年10月27日、ロシア・ウラジオストックにおいてGorodissky & Partners事務所が主催した知的財産セミナーに参加し、地元の企業、大学、法律家向けに、日本の知財実務を紹介しました。
 ロシア極東地域は、プーチン政権の強力な政策により、経済開発が急速に進展しており、中国、韓国企業に続き、日本企業の投資が増加しています。また模倣品、海賊版など知的財産問題も増加しており、ウラジオストク税関での知的財産権侵害品の輸入差し止め件数はロシア国内で最も多くなっています(Gorodissky & Partners事務所の取扱件数)。


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“Intellectual property of Freeport gathered to protect lawyers from Moscow”

The status of the free port of Vladivostok has made attractive to large companies. Last week in the capital of Primorye Branch presented the lawyer holding “Gorodissky and partners”, writes the business newspaper “Golden Horn”.

Along with the presentation of a lawyer holding company specialists held a seminar “Building a business on intellectual property”, which in the form of case studies were shown various options for the legal protection of intellectual property.

They also considered new mechanisms for disposition of intellectual property, particularly in the field of information and computer technology, affected the contractual aspects of electronic commerce.

As noted by the guest as one of the keynote speakers at the seminar Head of control and unfair competition Primorsky FAS Natalia Yakovenko (Antimonopoly service), the protection of intellectual property is becoming increasingly important for Promorye. For example, last year in the 2-3-fold increase in the number of calls to the regional FAS on issues relating to the application of Article 14 “Prohibition of unfair competition,” the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”.

Another fairly common form of unfair competition in Primorye is the sale, exchange or other introduction into circulation of the goods, if the illegal use of intellectual activity and equalized to them means of individualization of a legal entity, means of individualization of goods, works and services. At its core, this type of violation involves a competitive advantage through the use of existing intellectual property, which have a certain popularity and earned a positive reputation.

According to head of the department of physics and electronics LLC “Gorodissky and Partners”, patent attorney Yuri Kuznetsov, in connection with the introduction of the free port in Vladivostok, such disputes will become more and more. “Not the least factor in the decision to open a branch in Primorye was the rapid development of the territory: the Torah, the Free Port”, – he stressed.

Japanese partner, patent attorney Masashi Kourose has several times been in Vladivostok, but this time the first visit on tour in Far Eastern Federal University. “I am impressed by the size of the campus, its coastal location and equipment. It is above all praise. However, I was surprised by the fact that research and development is often not enough university patents “- shared his impressions of the capital of Primorye.

Japanese patent attorney also promised that he will be a frequent visitor to the capital of Primorye and will personally oversee the VIP clients of Vladivostok. Who will be established, it is not clear.

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